Senegal official name is the Republic of Senegal (in French: République du Sénégal), located in West Africa, its territory is organized into fourteen regions. The country's population is estimated at approximately 16 million people and a big number of them live in Its capital, Dakar.
The Church
In Senegal, religion and beliefs are a key piece of its culture and daily life. The Senegalese population is overwhelmingly Muslim, over 90%. Christians represent 3% of the population
Prayer Points
- -Pray for the gospel to reach the Muslims population
- - Pray for the Church in this nation to be strengthened
- - Pray for discipleship and evangelism materials for unreached ethnic groups
- - Pray for new churches in rural Senegal
Sobre el Author
WFTN is a nonprofit dedicated to serving missionaries around the globe by producing audiovisual resources that they can use to share their story. We help connect those who want to be a part of spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth with those who need it the most.