


India is a country rich with heritage and tradition. With 1.2 billion people, it is the second-most populous country in the world. The economy is split largely between an elite upper class and an oppressed lower class, though a middle class is beginning to flourish. The caste system continues to divide people, and although illegal, discrimination and violence against those of lower castes are commonplace.


The Church

In a nation where being a believer means to represent only 3% of the population, persecution and intolerance are present. In the past 8 years, India has shifted its politics when it comes to Christian organizations. Even when there is no official religion, radical Hinduism has moved to a hostile position towards the Church in the nation. Several congregations all over the country have been victims of attacks


Prayer Points

  • - One of the largest and most diverse countries in the world, India is filled with more than 2,500 distinct people groups who speak over 456 languages
  • - Its population reached 1 billion people, 3% of those identified as Christians
  • - Pray for open hearts to the gospel in all people groups and religious groups in India
  • - Pray for unprecedented opportunities to reach the younger generation with the Good News
  • - Pray for the protection of believers who face persecution


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