Curry. Camera. India.

Ranked as the second most populated country in the world, India has a mixture of culture, languages, and religion as vibrant as it’s people.  Most worship the millions of Hindu deities, and one can scarcely go anywhere without seeing colourful shrines with images of their many gods.  Less than 3% of the population claim to be Christian, but God is moving in incredible ways and calling us to shed light on how that number is growing.

A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to travel in Northern India as part of a team on a missionary assignment. Walking the dusty roads surrounded by the smiling children that ran up and circled around us, I experienced the welcoming heart of their nation and gigantic needs that as a country they experience.  We had the honor of visiting one of the poorest villages in Rajasthan, to bring school supplies and share the gospel message. We also held a worship service and prayed for those in a leper colony.

While there I learned about the Dalit, formerly called the “Untouchables,” who are considered impure and are excluded from society.  Still forgotten in the caste system, orphans are often disregarded and trafficked.  That is where Christians are making a huge impact, providing care and education for “the least of these” in the Name of Jesus. The Indian people are a most exquisite part of the Bride of Christ.  To me, there is none more beautiful.


Jesus loves His Indian bride and longs to rescue her from rampant idolatry and turn her head toward the One and Only God who can save her.

And now, Wild for the Nations has the opportunity to partner with ministries already working in India to produce videos those ministries will use to connect the body of Christ to what God is doing in their nation. You can be a part as well! The last week of February 2019, a team from Wild will visit two different cities in Northern India with the goal of documenting the efforts of those ministries, recording interviews and capturing the reality of how God is moving in that nation. With those materials, we'll produce two video productions at no cost to the local ministries, and those videos will be used to recruit volunteers, raise intercessory teams and boost their fundraising efforts.

How can you be a part?

We need intercessors. Hearts willing to cover us during 20 days that the team will be on the ground. Please email so we can share the prayer points and information about this project.
Consider a donation. We are praying for 30 hearts that are willing to come alongside and support our ministry with 20, 50 or 100 USD. What may seem like a small contribution makes a huge difference. Support this project here.

Whether you decide to pray, sow or follow our journey, we encourage you to ask God: How can I be a part of what You are doing in the nations?


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