
The Price

The sun is setting in Italy. We arrived a few hours ago and our bodies are picking up the fact that the schedule has changed. While prepping for the next assignment, a training seminar for the Media team of a beautiful church in Milan, my heart is still on the kitchen table of the dorm where our friend  Autumn served three breakfasts for us.

“I wish people knew the price”, she said, “The journey has been really long”. As tears ran over her face, she gained composure and shared with us a few details of the process that she has been through from having a burden for Jewish People to becoming a Missionary for the Chosen People Ministry.

“The word someone sent in the letters is the passage that God used to call me to the ministry, and today that was so encouraging”. I was in awe of how God used a note that someone wrote months ago to her in one of our fundraising events to encourage her exactly at the right moment.

After having a better picture of where she is and where she has been, I agree with her – I wish people knew as well.  As we were desiring that, my camera became the tool to record her story, too.

While we were freezing, recording at the shores of the East River, this thought kept my heart going “cold is temporary, a video is forever”. Knowing that in a few months you and hundreds of other hearts will be able to get to know Autumn, her story, calling, and ways to partner with her is just a huge source of joy. The honor of carrying your seed to make that possible is beyond any words can describe. Know that your past support has helped us to get to Brooklyn, and your future seed will allow us to cover all the postproduction costs to be able to put in Autumn’s hands a quality resource to invite others to their journey at no cost to her.

With love and  expectancy


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